Friday, November 6, 2009

The Blog... next the website

Hey everyone.. I have some news. Actually lots of news, first this is my blog. Yes I am starting a blog... all about fragrance. My new videos on youtube, fragrance news. Basically a fragrance talk blog. This is the first step of many... can anyone say website ? Yes I am in talks to start my very own site. Also I have other news.. I have been contacted by a few websites about being a reviewer for them.... actually had one offer that I almost did accept. They offered me a monthly pay to do exclusive video, radio and blogged reviews. The only setback was I had to delete my youtube account and all my videos. I declined since I love my youtube channel and I really can't do this for a living as they were asking me (full time) since I do have another job that pays much better that they were offering.

Well Anyway anyone who is wondering when I will be back to do some reviews on youtube, hold on I believe I will be back for X-Mas. Yes it feels like forever that I have not done a review , but I have been purchasing tons of bottles and I will be ready to hit at least 50 reviews on youtube really soon. Well I'm off guys and I will be updating this blog until the site is up and running. Thanks for all the support and remember a good fragrance will get you tons of attention but a bad one will do the same :)

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