Friday, February 24, 2012

What to wear ???

Pic of the top shelf of my fragrance curio #1


  1. do you got amouage reflection man ? can you do a review on it ?

  2. thats alot of cologne .. can i get some .... lol lol

  3. Marc, sorry to spam your blog like this! Im a big fan of your reviews and wanted to ask you a question but I didn't find any way to contact you... Thanks to the You tube reviews, I went and bought Joop!, Le male and Leau dissey but unfortunately the first two don't last more than a couple of hours on my skin (weird, cuz i've tried all the different techniques of spraying to get it last longer) ... Leau dissey lasts much longer but it gives me a headache after a point.;... can you suggest me something?? Much appreciate it mate. cheers.

  4. Hi well I had the same problem with longevity with Leau dissey, I bought it thinking that it's gonna last longer, but in my skin only last for about 3 hours, I guess it changes according to what kind of skin we have

  5. You must smell bad to have to spend all that money on cologne to cover yourself up.
