Thursday, January 7, 2010

Next Subscriber's Choice Video

So it's that time again, please post your name or youtube name since all posts without a name will be ignored.

Terre D'Hermes is the first choice.

Burberry London is the 2nd Choice

Versace's Dreamer is 3rd in line


  1. Wow, pretty good line up here.. I'm interested in all of them, but leaning more tword London and Dreamer. Hm.. But since I'm getting Dreamer pretty soon, I'll have to go for that.

  2. Dreamer. I think its a fragrance that some people don't understand well in stores and on fragrance sticks. Give us the wisdom on the scent!

  3. I already know London and Dreamer are 2 of the best ones ever, but I smelled Hermes and didn't know what to make of it. Soooo, Hermes!

  4. Marc, that is a tough bunch, all of them need to be reviewed! I would have to go with Terre D' Hermes!

  5. Jean Claude Ellena's masterpiece

  6. My vote is for Terre D'Hermes. Any of them would be great, though. My youtube name is ariscotm.

  7. This is r0bdigz...I vote for Terre D"Hermes.

  8. THE DREAMER would be great

  9. I'm going to have to say Terre d'Hermes!


  10. I find The Dreamer to be over-rated on the Tube.. I think you can get the same affect from rubbing dryer sheets on yourself. I have been wanting to know what you think. But, you already knew that via 'pm'. ..(Prophecy23JC on the Tube)

  11. Terre D'Hermes would be really nice

  12. I have nightmares just thinking about Terre D'Hermes! Worst skin reaction I've ever had with a cologne. I literally smelled like a skunk when I sampled it last month! My poor wife plugged her nose and I ran for the soap. I voted for London on your Youtube but I'm changing my vote on here to D'Hermes since your bloggers get two votes. Kind of curious now to see what your thoughts are on my worst cologne experience.
